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Delphi Indy Idhttp Post Gb2312 _BEST_

by starevsasoft 2021. 3. 16.

delphi7 用idhttp.get 抓取网页显示乱码. 首先升级Indy组件,再次就是要在http请求头部增加合适的编码指令,一般都是GB2312或者FTF. 1 浏览1178 2018-05-03.. Can Indy IdHTTP handle this kind of streamming data? I have try to download the stream data using a TCP connection, but it is not HTTP level, I need to do lot of ...

  1. delphi indy idhttp post example

indy 10.6 POST中文GB2312数据乱码程序代码. zero_3 于2013-10-16 21:51:48 编辑delphi 编码 表单 indy10.6 //定义了 t:TStringlist; ss:TStringStream; IdHTTP.. The test address is "http\://www.baidu.com" (encoding=gb2312). ... This time it works, which means to be a problem of Indy library. If I were not wrong, I should ...

delphi indy idhttp post example

delphi indy idhttp post example

但是indy只对utf-8的编码进行了处理,所以其他编码只能自己想办法处理了,比如这样:. Delphi(Pascal) code ... GetEncoding(936)); { 指定gb2312的中文代码页, ... posted @ 2009-06-18 14:53 苔苔以苔苔以苔 阅读(4370) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏.. 定义了 t:TStringlist; ss:TStringStream; IdHTTP.Post('http://www.csdn.com',t,ss); 发现当表单数据有中文时(GB2312编码)post的数据中文乱码,请问 ...

The End of Compact Digital Camera

indy 10.6 POST中文GB2312數據亂碼本帖最後由zero_3 於2013-10-16 21:51:48 編輯 ... IdHTTP.Post('http://www.csdn.com',t,ss); 髮現噹錶單數據有中文時(GB2312 ... 數據提供程序或其他服務返迴E_FAIL狀態delphi ADOQuery1,該怎麼解決 .... The test address is "http\://www.baidu.com" (encoding=gb2312). ... This time it works, which means to be a problem of Indy library. ... assigned to it, if I use the default TIdHTTP.Request.UserAgent property value. ... To make sure it is clean, I simply copied all my compiled .dcu's into the Delphi out put folder and then deleted ...

delphi indy idhttp post发送请求返回正确gb2312编码内容. 下面是代码:. [delphi] type ISO8859String = type AnsiString(1252); GB2312String = type AnsiString(936);. IdHTTP.Post('http://www.csdn.com',t,ss); 發現當表單數據有中文時(GB2312編碼)post的數據中文亂碼, ... 关于indy 10.5.7在delphi 7下的数据发送接收的用法分享.. INDY还是10.5.7版本. 在IDHTTP.POST后结果为乱码. 在先前使用的Delphi2010中设置idhttp.response.charset:='gb2312'; 就可以解决了. 但在XE .... My question is: Is there/will there be an Indy Firemonkey Edition? Cause I seriously need the IdHTTP.Post();. If not, is there a way to do this in FireMonkey?. GetEncoding(936));//用gb2312编码方式接收网页内容 ... 但是indy只对utf-8的编码进行了处理,所以其他编码只能自己想办法处理了. 必须是已知该页面的编码 ... Delphi xe5 控件TIdhttp的用法post,get解决中文乱码问题. 12-13 阅读 .... TStringStream in D2009+ uses UnicodeString and is TEncoding -aware so DO NOT create a UTF8String manually: var server: TIdHttp; Parameters,response: .... See more: delphi https get example, delphi tidhttp, delphi idhttp post json, tidhttp ... 6 HTTPS POST example with JSON body The Indy (Internet Direct) TIdHTTP now ... 输出的,简体中文系统默认的是gb18030(虽然名义上是gb2312的代码页)。. 对于UTF-8编码, TIdHTTP 也处理为你,以及,如果要调用返回一个 String 值,而不是填充 TStream 对象的 TIdHTTP.Get() TIdHTTP.Post() 或方法的重载版本。它会为 .... 最近在搞fmx开发,用idhttp post 数据返回中文乱码,在网上找了好多都解决不了,后来网络. ... indy 10.6 POST中文GB2312数据乱码. 10-16. eff9728655